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On Tuesday, January 10th 2023, the International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose" held its XII Award ceremony in partnership with the National Olympic Committee of Poland at the Expo XXI exhibition center in Warsaw. 


After a 2-year break due to the outbreak of the respiratory disease pandemic COVID-19, which fundamentally disrupted the political, social, economic and financial systems of the world, the long-awaited XII award ceremony was a triumphant reunion of the world’s sports elite. The elite that demonstrates the incomparable power of the international unity of global leaders. The leaders of the free world who share common values. The values ​​of sports departments of a democratic society that consolidate true like-minded people. This is justice, dignity and freedom.

The holding country of the XII award ceremony of the International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose" was not chosen by chance. The reason for the absolute structural and geographical changes of the International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose" was the terrible military actions on the territory of Ukraine.  At the same time - endless faith and hope in the independent future of an unconquered nation of outstanding figures of physical culture and sports, Olympic champions, coaches and sporting legends.


The twelfth International Sports Award “Golden Mongoose” in a row was held in Poland. In the country that has provided Ukraine with countless humanitarian and financial aid. In the country that in such a difficult hour became a true friend and second home for more than 2 million Ukrainians.

As a sign of unwavering solidarity with Ukraine and respect for those who shape trends in the development of modern sports, the event was attended by representatives of the highest political authorities of the Republic of Poland. Taking into account the interests of the political conjuncture, this year the International Sports Award “Golden Mongoose” welcomed exclusively Polish guests and recognized 14 outstanding laureates who, at the end of 2022, impressed the world with their heroic humanity and tireless work for the development of the international sports movement.

Henceforth, the chains of the award with Ukrainian history intersect with the most influential sports associations of the world, initiate the foundations of international sports diplomacy and unite numerous efforts in the great struggle for peace.

The legendary slogan of this year's award ceremony was a symbolic reflection of the principled position of support and continuous assistance to the motherland of the International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose" by its founder Magomed Magdiyev:

"Sport is an ambassador of peace! Sport against war and terror!

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Україна. Ukraina. Ukraine. In different languages, special accents and modern slogans, the victory of good over evil sounds the same. This is a struggle for democratic values and international equality, which we are waging together with true friends of Ukraine.


Today next to us are only those who support the priorities of dignity. Together with us are those who are eternally devoted to the world slogan: "Sport is the ambassador of peace!" Next to us are those who will never take the side of cruel principles. From Western Europe to Eastern Asia, from the Bering Strait of the Pacific Ocean to the Odessa coast of the Black Sea. Among such partners is the president of the National Olympic Committee of Poland, Andrzej Krasnicki. Thanks to the long-term cooperation of the Non-governmental organization “Mongoose” and the National Olympic Committee of Poland, the world believed that sport give strength. This belief emerged following the struggle of our athletes. The world became convinced that sport unites regardless of nationality, social status, religion and language. Following our initiatives. The world saw that sport can be a powerful lever of influence on the world community in the struggle for peace. Following our joint achievements. 

The XII award ceremony of the International Sports Award “Golden Mongoose” proved that the international sports collaboration and friendship of peoples is the modern weapon against fierce darkness, aggressors, wars, terror, discrimination and violence.

Strong support, partnership interaction and high-quality communication - this is the atmosphere that prevailed behind the scenes of the XII award ceremony of the International Sports Award “Golden Mongoose” in Warsaw. The headliner of the evening was the Ukrainian bandur player Iryna Hubyak, who has been touring the world with concerts in support of her native country since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine.



The elegant evening featured sporting legends, Olympic champions, businessmen, statesmen, patrons of sports, prominent figures of physical culture and sports, philanthropists and politicians who, regardless of nationality, social status and religion, direct their professional activity to the joint development and popularization of physical culture and sports.


The esteemed guests of the evening were President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and First Lady of the Republic of Poland Agata Kornhauser-Duda. 


The influential holders of the XII award ceremony were President of the National Olympic Committee of Poland Andrzej Krasnicki and Founder of the International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose" Magomed Magdiyev.


One of the highlights of the XII award ceremony was the powerful performance of the founder of the International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose". Magomed Magdiyev's honest speech about the most important things in the modern world found a response in the hearts of more than 500 honored guests of the sports event:

"Dear friends, colleagues, laureates and faithful Ukrainian friends!On behalf of the Ukrainian community and the Non-governmental organization "Mongoose", I sincerely thank you for your incredible support of Ukraine, the principled position of solidarity and help on the way to our victory.Special words of gratitude to my friend Andrzej Krasnicki, who gave us the opportunity to hold our annual event together with the National Olympic Committee of Poland this year. I am proud that for both of us the motto "Sport is an ambassador of peace!" - is not just words, but a symbol of long-term cooperation in the development and popularization of mass sports. Today, we are united in our desire to make sports a lever of influence on the world community in the fight for peace! Thank you once again to each of you for supporting Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!"

Magomed Magdiyev

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According to the official decision of the Council of the Non-Governmental organization "Mongoose" for the heroic humanity and tireless work for the development of the international sports movement were awarded 14 laureates with special medals of honour "Golden Mongoose". As a sign of great respect and gratitude to our Polish colleagues for their unfailing support of Ukraine, the Special Medals of Honor awarded to 4 private Polish companies conducting sponsorship activities in the field of physical culture and sports. The award was held in the nomination:


The awards were presented to the representatives of the management board of the companies, who, in turn, were awarded with Special Medals of Honor “Golden Mongoose” made of pure gold, encrusted with diamonds, in the nomination:

"For the great contribution to the development and promotion of mass sport as a prerequisite for the formation of a healthy nation"

"For the outstanding contribution to the fortification of the international relations and friendship among nations as one of the best traditions of sports"

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Olgierd Cieslik


As a state monopoly, the company Totalizator Sportowy LTD conducts not only bookmaking, but also sponsoring activities in the field of physical culture and sports. For the first time, Totalizator Sportowy LTD took part in sponsoring the national Olympic team of the Republic of Poland in 1994 to participate in the Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway. Today, the company is the general sponsor of the National Olympic Committee of Poland and the guarantor of the development of the country's sports infrastructure.

In 2022, the company developed the "Children of Ukraine" grant program, which aims to support the organization of day classes for children and youth from Ukraine. State and non-state institutions that manage nurseries, children's sports clubs, kindergartens and primary or secondary education institutions can apply for participation in the program. So far, 9 applications have been approved with a total support amount of PLN 310,000.

In April 2022, Totalizator Sportowy LTD announced the holding of special bets, the proceeds of which, for the first time in the company's history, were fully donated to help Ukrainian children in Poland. The total amount of the donation was PLN 4,270,904. The General Director of Totalizator Sportowy LTD Olgerd Ceslik expressed great gratitude to the organizers and founder of the International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose" for marking the many years of work of the company Totalizator Sportowy LTD, which today chose the path of solidarity with Ukraine.

Totalizator Sportowy 


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Tomasz Suchanski

President of the Management Board



The largest chain of grocery stores Zabka, as an official sponsor of the National Olympic Committee of Poland, has been actively supporting talented Polish athletes since 2016. In 2022, the company demonstrated the invincible power of the friendship of peoples. In the first weeks of the full-scale war in Ukraine, Zabka delivered more than 520 tons of food and necessary hygiene products to border points with Ukraine. Since then, the company has involved its customers in charitable activities: users of the Zabka mobile application had the opportunity to exchange loyalty points for donations to Ukraine, and visitors to Zabka grocery stores could choose any amount and make a cashless payment in support of volunteer organizations that provide humanitarian aid assistance to Ukrainians in need.

Polish Oil Concern Orlen is the largest Polish company engaged in oil refining and distribution of fuel and lubricants. As of 2023, the company is not only a strategic sponsor of the National Olympic Committee of Poland, but also one of the guarantors of the development of the international sports movement. The company's activities became especially important in 2022, with the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine. The largest oil company in Eastern Europe proved that solidarity in difficult situations is the real strength of the civilized world. The company became the largest importer of fuel for the needs of the Ukrainian economy: the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Ukrzaliznytsia, farmers, industry and the civilian population.


In the first days of the war in Ukraine, the company handed over 30,000 liters of fuel to the city of Przemyśl for the transportation of Ukrainian refugees. The company's hotel premises in Plotsk have become a shelter for Ukrainian refugees, including dozens of mothers and children. More than 3,000 heaters and 10,000 thermal blankets were purchased by the company to ensure the comfortable operation of the three largest border points with Ukraine, where company employees set up tents with hot snacks and drinks for those in need. The company did not remain indifferent to the appeal of the Ukrainian railway workers and, together with the Polish transport company Intercity, delivered tons of food products of the Orlen gas station chain to the peaceful population of Kyiv.



Daniel Obajtek

President of the Management Board

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The Lux Med company is the main medical partner of the Polish National Olympic Committee and the Polish National Olympic Team since 2014. In 2022, the contract between the partners was extended until 2028. The above decision is the result of the successful work of professional doctors of a private medical company who will take care of the health of Polish athletes at the next two Olympic Games in 2024 and 2028.


In connection with the military operations in Ukraine, the Lux Med network of clinics offered free emergency medical care to citizens of Ukraine and persons of other nationalities who arrived from Ukraine after the start of hostilities and are in a difficult financial situation. Doctors of the clinic, equipped with all the necessary professional equipment, participated in medical and rescue operations in the immediate vicinity of the Polish-Ukrainian border. Today, the company's board provides direct material and technical support to hospitals operating in Ukraine under martial law. The company also created dozens of additional jobs for doctors, nurses and other medical personnel from Ukraine.

For the provision of free medical care to Ukrainian refugees in 2022 and a significant contribution to improving the image of the Republic of Poland on the international sports arena by ensuring the planned diagnosis of the state of health of athletes and their rapid recovery after injuries, the private medical company Lux Med was awarded the special order "Golden Mongoose " of pure gold. The award was presented to Anna Rulkevych - the president of the company's board and laureate of the XI award ceremony International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose".




Also 5 outstanding figures of the world sports community were awarded with the Special Medals of Honor “Golden Mongoose” made of pure gold, encrusted with diamonds, in the same nomination:

"For the outstanding contribution to the fortification of the international relations and friendship among nations as one of the best traditions of sports"

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As the Minister of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Poland, Kamil Bortnichuk chose a position of constant support and solidarity with Ukraine. As a result of strategically important bilateral relations between the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Poland, represented by Minister Kamil Bortnichuk, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, represented by Minister Vadym Gutzeit, in October 2022, the Program on Cooperation and Joint Counteraction to Russian Aggression in Sports was signed. The program is designed for 2023-2024 and aims at the active development of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation, as well as joint opposition to hostilities at the level of state authorities, national federations, and professional sports clubs. The representatives of both countries agreed on the development and support of joint initiatives within the framework of the Council of Europe, UNESCO and other international organizations, as well as on the coordination of efforts at the international level to combat Russian military aggression against Ukraine.

Kamil Bortniczuk

Minister of Sport and Tourism
of the Republic of Poland

Kamil addressed all those present at the ceremony: "Since the terrible invasion of the Russian Federation on the land of our friends and border compatriots from Ukraine, we call on the world sports community to boycott the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes in all international competitions without exception. We also consider it unacceptable to allow representatives of nations of fierce discrimination and war to membership in international sports organizations".

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Daina Gudzineviciute

President of the National Olympic
Committee of Lithuania

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Holding the positions of Vice-President of the European Olympic Committees, President of the National Olympic Committee of Lithuania and a member of the International Olympic Committee, Daina Hudzinavičute, a prominent woman in the history of independent Lithuania, without any doubt stood on the side of solidarity with Ukraine on the first day of full-scale war, February 24, 2022. The decisive act of a former athlete in bench shooting in March 2022 deserves special respect: Daina Hudzinavichute donated her gold medal won at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney to the Public Organization "StrongTogether", which helps Ukrainians affected by the war.

On the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, the Vice-President of the European Olympic Committees, Daina Gudzinevičute, invited the Olympic community to look at sports in the light of the leverage of support and influence:

"Sport is not only about competition and results. It is about respect, friendship and development. At the same time, sport is a powerful force for change and unity. These words have taken on a special meaning in the last weeks since the start of the terrible war in Ukraine, since we prayed every day for peace. The international sports community stands in solidarity with Ukraine. We do not stop and demonstrate our unwavering support for our Ukrainian colleagues at every appropriate opportunity. "By a unanimous decision of the Council of the "Mongoose" Public Organization, for her invaluable display of kindness and humanity during the war and her significant personal contribution to the development and popularization of the European Olympic movement, Dayna Hudzinavičute was awarded the "Golden Mongoose" honorary order of pure gold, inlaid with diamonds.

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Spyros Capralos

President of the European
Olympic Committees

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Spyros Kapralos is a Greek water polo player, president of the European Olympic Committees, president of the National Olympic Committee of Greece and a member of the International Olympic Committee.


In his recent address, the leader of the international Olympic movement said: "We pray every day that peace will return to Ukraine as soon as possible. I am deeply grateful for the support that the National Olympic Committees of Europe continue to provide to the Ukrainian people. Almost every day I hear about new initiatives organized by the European Olympic family, of which I am incredibly proud. Today, it is more important than ever that we step up our efforts to support our friends in Ukraine and show our solidarity in the vital months ahead."

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Hasan Arat

Member of the European
Olympic Committees


In 2012, the world heard about the new leader of the international sports community, Hassan Arat. A Turkish sports manager, vice president of the Turkish National Olympic Committee, businessman and former professional basketball player has taken charge of Istanbul's bid to host the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games. After Istanbul's presentation in the final round of voting, Hasan Arat addressed the media, saying: "The bid united the people of Turkey, it inspired our youth and established a strong bond between Turkey and the world Olympic movement."

This event marked the beginning of Hasan Arat's professional career in the sports departments of Europe and the world. Hasan Arat became the chairman of the board of BIDEV (basketball solidarity and education fund), which aims to develop and popularize Turkish basketball.

He was elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the Olympic Committees of Europe, appointed as a member of the Marketing Commission of the International Olympic Committee and the Commission on Marketing and New Sources of Funding of the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC).Today, Hasan Arat is the head of the Coordination Commission of the Olympic Committees of Europe for the organization and holding of the III European Games, which will be held in Krakow in 2023. And with the outbreak of a full-scale war in Ukraine, the leader of the world sports community is calling on national Olympic committees to continue to focus on using sport as a tool to preserve peace and fight discrimination.

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Marek Michalowski

Chairman of the Supervisiory
Board Budimex S.A.

Marek Mykhaylovskyi is a licensed expert auditor who has held the positions of Chairman of the Supervisory Board and Chief Financial Officer of Budimex S.A. since 1990. Since 2013, the professional manager has been considered the successor of the president of the board of the Polish Association of Employers in the Construction Industry.


For many years, Marek Mykhaylovskyi has directed the vector of his professional activity to the development of the country's sports infrastructure, and since 2022 he has also been engaged in charitable activities: he organizes systematic financial and psychological assistance for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Under the professional leadership of Marek Mykhaylovskyi, the Budimex S.A. team for more than 11 months, it has been successfully providing all the needs of affected families from Ukraine to whom assistance was offered.

World sports legends, whose names and triumphant achievements are forever inscribed in the history of the international Olympic movement, also became laureates of the XII award ceremony of the International Sports Award “Golden Mongoose”.


The founder of the International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose" presented athletes with Special Medals of Honor “Golden Mongoose" made of pure gold in the nomination:

"For individual athletic achievements and popularization of sports"

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Robert Kozenjowski is an outstanding Polish track and field athlete, four-time Olympic champion, three-time world champion and two-time European champion in sport walking. As of 2023, Kozenjowski is the most decorated Polish athlete in terms of the number of gold medals at the Olympic Games. In 2014, his name was entered into the IAAF Hall of Fame, which is considered the crown of the sports career of the world's track and field athletes. Today, the sportsman manages the charitable activities of his own Foundation. In 2022, with the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the Foundation took care of a group of Ukrainian children for whom sports are a chance for social integration and gaining emotional balance. Since then, the Fund has helped with the employment of Ukrainian coaches, who already today have the opportunity to conduct regular training for children, youth and adults in Poland.

Robert Korzeniowski

Four-time Olympic champion


Iga Swiatek

The first racket of the world in 2022

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Iga Swiotek is a Polish tennis player, winner of eleven WTA tournaments and three Grand Slam tournaments: French Open 2020 and 2022 and US Open 2022. From April 4, 2022, she leads the ranking of WTA professional tennis players.


In autumn, the outstanding athlete took part in the competition for the title of the first racket of the WTA world, which became historic in the professional career and social activities of the young tennis player. Prominent Ukrainian athletes Elina Svitolina, Serhiy Stakhovsky and world football legend Andriy Shevchenko went to support a true friend of Ukraine at the competition. On the eve of the landmark game, Iga Svyontek proved her leadership position in the global sports community by raising more than £422,000 to help war-affected children from Ukraine.

The tennis player used her victory at the US Open as an opportunity to once again draw the attention of the whole world to the terrible events in Ukraine: "Today, the war is going on next to my country, and I cannot be apart from these events. I remember how at the beginning of the war, most of the world's athletes used to play with blue and yellow ribbons on their uniforms. Today I see that some have gotten rid of them. It's quite strange to me because the war is still going on and people are suffering. I will wear this ribbon until the situation changes completely." The sportswoman's father, Polish rower Tomasz Swiontek, visited the XII award ceremony, who received his daughter's award from the hands of the award's founder, Magomed Magdiyev.

We are confident that very soon the International Sports Award "Golden Mongoose" will once again shine in flourishing and independent Ukraine, surrounded by true friends, taking into account only the principles, values ​​and aspirations of the "sports Oscar" with Ukrainian roots.

We celebrate the heroism and resilience of the unconquered world!

We are proud of the unity of the world sports community!


 Together to victory!

 Together for peace!

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